Close up of pizza slices with arugula sprinkled on top
Expert Advice, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living

Is Pizza Keto?

March 17, 2021

Come on, admit it. Did we grab you with that headline? While you might think we’re being tongue-in-cheek, the question of whether or not pizza is keto is a serious (ish) one. After all, we’re talking about the delightfully starchy, cheesy favorite of New Yorkers, Chicagoans, and Americans everywhere. For many people, pizza is a comfort food, and often a craving – and that’s why we’re not surprised that many of you asked us about it. 

Can Pizza Be Healthy?

Let’s be real for a second. Pizza in its dreamy, traditional form is far from a health food, and it’s definitely not in line with typical keto guidelines. It exists to be enjoyed sometimes, not daily, and there’s definitely a place for it in the context of an overall healthy and balanced diet. 

But if you’re thinking you can’t lose weight while still enjoying the occasional piece(s) of pizza, I promise you can! Weight loss, and improving your health overall, is a product of consistent choices and finding a balance that works for you, not one of aiming for perfection.

Pizza, but make it Keto

One of the best things about pizza is how versatile it is. The infinite amount of possible toppings speaks to this, but pizza is also incredibly forgiving in switching around its main building blocks. But what if you have food allergies, sensitivities, or dietary constraints that keep traditional pizza off your dinner table? That’s where we can thank our lucky stars for a creative food industry, that Snap Kitchen feels lucky to be a part of. Thankfully, lots of truly tasty substitutes exist today where a few dozen years ago, there were none. 

We’re listing our favorite alternative ingredients for making your own pizza at home. Mix-and-match your flavor combinations to create your own unique style of pizza.

CrustNowadays, the selection of alternative (read: gluten-free) pizza crusts is as expansive as possible topping options. From gluten-free crusts to meat bases – your options are endless. And many grocery chains even offer pre-made varieties, making your weekday pizza night even easier. Consider trying some of the below options:

  • Almond-flour based crust
  • Cauliflower crust
  • Chickpea crust


The sky’s the limit when it comes to possible sauces! Whether you’re looking to remove nightshades from your diet or just want to switch things up, you’ll be able to find something that works for you. 

  • Nomato Sauce – usually made from beets and butternut squash
  • Pesto – a great way to switch things up
  • White sauce – garlic and extra virgin olive oil. Need we say more? A classic with fresh mozzarella!


The toppings are really where your individual flair can shine – and also, where you can have the biggest impact on adding healthy, nutritious ingredients to your pizza! Feel free to experiment, and try something new.

  • Cashew Mozzarella can be a great option if you’re looking to avoid dairy
  •  High-quality, well-sourced protein options like fried eggs, chicken, or sausage
  • Vegetables – think spinach, olives, asparagus, or mushrooms


And if all else fails and none of these meet your needs, there is a recipe on the interwebs for meatza. This keto-friendly pizza rendition involves seasoning and baking a “crust” of meat, then topping with cheese and other desired toppings. 

The short story? If you want to enjoy pizza, make it work for you. That might mean that on occasion, you grab a few slices of traditional, greasy, and cheesy pizza goodness. Or, it might mean that instead you find a substitute that better aligns with your dietary needs. Pizza is meant to be enjoyed, whatever form you choose.

We have to ask: what’s your favorite pizza topping? Let us know in the comments!

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