Snap’s 2021 Favorite Flavs Wrap Up is here! 

We’re taking a look back at 2021 – but like through a lens that has a super fun, yummy filter! Here’s a fun rundown of all the Snap deliciousness we all enjoyed this year. 

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6 Common Women’s Health Myths

Our dietitian Sam is hopping on the blog today to talk about five common myths she hears all the time when it comes to women’s health.

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Turnips Nutrition

Turnips are arguably one of the most underrated and underappreciated root vegetables, especially in comparison to its cousins – kale, cauliflower, and arugula.

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4 Plant Milks and Their Surprising Benefits

Introduction We Americans love our dairy products. Cheese, yogurt, but, especially milk. We put it in our cereal, in our shakes, some people even drink it with dinner.

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Healthiest Thanksgiving Foods

Thanksgiving officially kicks off the holiday season and you know what that means – spending lots of extra time with loved ones and eating plenty of delicious, but maybe not-so-healthy foods.

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8 White Flour Alternatives for Baking

Humans have been consuming grains, like flour, for over 23,500 years, with the earliest evidence being discovered by archaeologists in Israel.

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What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

When it comes to counting calories, you’d be surprised by how much different foods differ in calorie count. Some foods are much more calorie-dense than others, so it is helpful to know roughly how many calories are in different types of foods so you can confidently build a healthy plate.

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7 Reasons You Should be Eating Bison

There’s a day to celebrate everything, and National Bison Day is right around the corner on November 6! In typical Snap Kitchen manner, to toast to National Bison Day, we’ll be detailing all the reasons why you should be eating bison and the health benefits it provides.

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Healthy Halloween Treats

When we say healthy Halloween treats, we don’t mean the packets of pretzels, raisins, or any other unfestive (and frankly, blah) trick or treat snacks that some neighbors would hand out on Halloween night.

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