Family making dinner in the kitchen
Healthy Eating

How to Maintain Healthy Habits During (and After!) the Holidays

December 13, 2020

The holidays are often a time when your healthy habits get put on the back burner because of parties & obligations. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Sometimes, all it takes is a little prioritization! Our lead RD, Sam is giving you 4 tips you can use to put yourself first this season. 

1) As best you can, maintain your normal routine.

While it can be tempting to let everything go in December, keep up with your day-to-day habits as much as possible. Schedule your workouts, plan your meals, and set yourself up to control the things you can control. This will help you feel more balanced and patient as holiday parties and events get underway. It will also help you show up as the best version of yourself no matter what curveballs December throws you. And pro tip: Snap’s meal plans make maintaining your normal routine really easy since you can order only the meals you need in a given week. Have a few holiday dinners and a catered work lunch one week? Order for the other meals you need to ensure you’ve got healthy food just waiting in the fridge, no shopping or cooking required!

2) Find little moments in your day for self-care.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to include 2-hour massages or a lengthy bubble bath (though those are awesome!). It can involve 5 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of stretching, or a quick face mask. It can also mean defending yourself and your boundaries against the onslaught of holiday obligations and taking up space for yourself. Taking even a few minutes for yourself every day will help fill your cup.

3) Be kind to yourself.

If you’re struggling with balance in December, make sure that you treat yourself with kindness. When you come from a place of love (for yourself and your body), it makes it a lot easier to get back where you’d like to be. Approach your December missteps with curiosity, not judgment. In other words; how can you learn from the situation? Since you already know what tripped you up, you can make a mental (or actual!) note of how to better cope with those triggers or ways to avoid them altogether. You’re much more likely to be successful going forward because you have a plan in place.

4) Just take action.

Sometimes, self-care is doing ‘the thing’, even if it’s the last thing you want to do at the moment. It means going for a walk, even though the couch & Netflix are calling your name. The thing can be anything, from cooking (or picking up!) a healthy dinner to cleaning your house. But one thing is clear: self-care means keeping promises to yourself even when that gets inconvenient.


Do you struggle with time management and maintaining healthy habits even after the holidays? Check out our Snap Kitchen subscription box! We ship delicious, healthy, and nourishing meals coast-to-coast, straight to your door. Shop today!

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  • Reply Marissa December 20, 2019 at 3:25 am

    I’m so glad I took the time to read this. It’s just what I needed to hear. It’s always helpful to be reminded of how important it is to take better care of ourselves, especially when we’re so focused on everything and everyone else. Thank you for sharing these tips.

    • Reply Snap Kitchen December 30, 2019 at 7:04 pm

      We’re so glad! Thank you for the feedback.

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