What is the Diet-Heart Hypothesis?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to have a massive impact in the US. Just take a look at a few of these statistics from Chris Kresser: Cardiovascular disease affects 65 million Americans.

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How Does Vitamin D Work?

Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin”, Vitamin D seeps into your skin through sunlight, food and supplements, strengthening your bones and improving your skin.

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How to Grow Your Own Garlic

Intense in flavor and easy-to-grow, garlic is considered the “stinking rose” of the culinary world. Garlic has a multitude of uses, from insect repellent and home remedies, to adding flavor to dishes.

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16 Cruciferous Green Veggies

Move over tomatoes, spinach, and carrots. Make room for the super veggies – aka cruciferous vegetables. These low-calorie, nutrient-packed veggies have more health benefits than you could imagine.

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Animal Protein vs Plant Protein: Are They the Same?

There’s a lot of talk these days about plant-based diets, with some questioning the merits of eating animal protein at all.

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8 Springtime Fruits & Veggies to Try – Spring into Seasonal Eating

Spring is upon us, and I don’t know about you, but I am excited for sunnier days and warmer temperatures over the next few months.

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Our Top 12 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Mild inflammation is a natural part of life. No, we know, it sounds odd, but trust us on this—inflammation has an evolutionary purpose.

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How to Break Your Fast

At Snap Kitchen, we’ve talked about the benefits of intermittent fasting many times before. When done right, fasting can have many health benefits, like improved brain function, cancer prevention, better blood sugar control, a stronger heart, and weight loss.

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Avocado Ranch Rotisserie Chicken Recipe

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! We can’t contain our excitement about our new Avocado Ranch Rotisserie Chicken meal that just hit the menu, so we figured we’d share the recipe with you!

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